Year: 2010
Added a Forum
Got something to say? There is now a forum for discussing Turtle Arena. Now go sign up!
Windows Installer
Added a Windows Installer for Turtle Arena 0.2 to the download page!
Website Moved
The Turtle Arena website has moved to, is now ZTurtleMan’s website. Update: The Turtle Arena RSS feed has moved, update its location to will still be a valid feed, but for my website not Turtle Arena.
Turtle Arena 0.2 Released
Turtle Arena 0.2, now with 300% more turtle, is now available for download!
Status Update
Turtle Arena 0.2 will (hopefully) be released by the end of the month.
Status Update
Renamed TMNT Arena to Turtle Arena to hopefully avoid tradmark issues with the game.
Status Update
TMNT Arena is currently undergoing active development.
Status Update
TMNT Arena has improved much since the alpha, still some work to do before the beta. Project is now somewhat on hold due to college.