Year: 2015

  • Spearmint 0.2 released

    Spearmint 0.2 adds new features for mods, primarily from Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. See for downloads. Spearmint now has all of the renderer features needed to create RTCW and ET game ports. There are a few minor renderer features that need to be added in the future for more accurate ports.…

  • Spearmint 0.1.1 released

    While working toward Spearmint 0.2 I kept it compatible with Spearmint 0.1. With Spearmint 0.2 being released soon, it seemed like it might be useful to release the version that is still compatible with Spearmint 0.1. And so, here is Spearmint 0.1.1. Spearmint 0.1.1 is a bug fix and new feature release that is compatible with…

  • Spearmint 0.1 released

    The first version of the Spearmint engine has been released after 3.5 years of development. It’s not everything I wanted it to be, but it’s stable and people are interested in using it so I’ve finally created downloadable packages for Windows, GNU/Linux, and OS X. See for downloads. Spearmint 0.1 was released on a friday the 13th,…