Clover’s Toy Box

Clover’s Toy Box is a project to develop a game engine and game(s). It expands on ideas and goals from my Spearmint engine (albeit without Quake 3 compatibility). Clover’s Toy Box is being developed in private as proprietary software.

There is basic networked server/client support, ability to draw 3D models and menu, and move player. See the overview on the software page and Toy Box blog posts for progress updates.

These plans are from 2017 or 2018 and may change.

Planned Features

  • First and third person perspectives.
  • Network multiplayer and four player splitscreen.
  • High quality text using FreeType 2.
  • SDL 2.0 for window and input handling.
  • OpenGL 2+ / OpenGL ES 2+ using GLSL.
  • Soft particles, barrel view distortion, per-pixel motion blur.

Planned Format Support

  • Models: IQM, and MM3D for source files.
  • Images: KTX(?), and PNG for source files.
  • Audio: Opus, and WAV or FLAC for source files.
  • Levels: Unknown.