Still Not There Yet

Unfortunately Turtle Arena 0.6, which had be planned for release tomorrow, is not ready yet. I wasn’t able to work on it much lately (where does time go?). I was able to (almost) finish the main three items from the last post.

  • Not-quite-done: Add menu for entering name at the end of Arcade Mode.
  • Done: Create character images for main game / arcade mode character select.
  • Done: Add time limit and score/capture limit to TAB scoreboard.

Entering name at the end of arcade game works, but could use some improvement still. Google Code isn’t accepting svn commits at the moment… so I’m waiting to commit some improvements.

High-Definition Character Select Menu

I think the character select images turned out pretty good. Although I would have put more effort into the images if I wasn’t planned to remove the characters after 0.6 is release. I was so use to just solid blocks of color, I keep being surprised every time I see them.

I may do a new 0.5.4 release soon as kind of a release candidate for 0.6. I don’t want to set a new release date for 0.6 as I failed to meet the first two. It will be released when it’s ready.

What’s left to do for 0.6?

  • Finish Arcade Mode post game menu
  • Check for issues (in the game, network multiplayer, building on Windows, etc)
  • Test upgrading Turtle Arena 0.4.3 to 0.6
  • Fix issues
  • Write release notes
  • Create installer/packages
  • Take screenshots
  • (Maybe) create trailer video


What’s up with Extraordinary Beat X?

The preemptive “renaming” of Turtle Arena may of caused some confusion. Extraordinary Beat X will be the name of the game continuing after Turtle Arena 0.6. When I started renaming the game, I wasn’t planned to have a new major Turtle Arena release. EBX will use the same underlaying code and many of the same ideas and goals, but will feature new characters and a new universe. A lot of the data will probably be scraped or remade. Many things are up in the air right now. After Turtle Arena 0.6 is released, I intend to finalize the plans for the game, characters, ui, etc before continuing development (meaning not modifying the stuff in subversion).



