Category: Development
Still Not There Yet
Unfortunately Turtle Arena 0.6, which had be planned for release tomorrow, is not ready yet. I wasn’t able to work on it much lately (where does time go?). I was able to (almost) finish the main three items from the last post. Not-quite-done: Add menu for entering name at the end of Arcade Mode. Done:…
Not Quite There Yet
Nearly everything planned to be included in Turtle Arena 0.6 is done now, but it’s not quite ready yet. Turtle Arena 0.6 is scheduled for release Friday March 16th 2012. I think this is a realistic date. It give time to complete last few things, test it, fix any last minute bugs, package it, and…
Turtle Arena 0.6 Development Status
Turtle Arena 0.6 is planned to be released by the end of the month! That give just two weeks to finish it! Some major changes have been held back until the 0.8 release, mainly the new title and characters. I decided it would be best to have a new stable release now instead of having…
Announcing the Beginning of a New Era
Extraordinary Beat X (or simply EBX) is the new title for Turtle Arena. EBX will be Turtle Arena with a new title, icon, logo, characters, but the same great taste! While not all of the design work is done yet, it is diffidently coming along. The new WordPress website is located at
Delay and Plan
The next Turtle Arena release is currently on hold while I work on the new game design. Finalize new name. Create new icon. Create new logo. Finalize story (general concept/overview of world, intro, and ending). Create playable character concept artwork. Create NPC concept artwork [common enemies and bosses], names, and describe them. I’ll hopefully get…
Awfully Quiet
It has been over a month since the last Turtle Arena release (v0.5.2). I haven’t completed the goals for the next release yet, I got side tracked working on some new ideas. A new “arcade mode” has been started. It is a single player mode for playing the multiplayer game types (deathmatch, CTF, etc) alone.…
Turtle Arena HUD Preview
The next release of Turtle Arena will feature a new (well, modified) HUD. The top zero is the score. The blue bar is the “air bar” which shows how much air is left underwater. The orange bar is the health bar (finally added like originally intended). Weapon icon (and ammo –not shown) and holdable icon…
Turtle Arena Development Status #6
I am working on the new characters (species, abilities, weapons, appearance), hopefully they will be completed soon. I’ve changed from planning on there being six playable characters to eight. Main four characters (for single player and multiplayer): * Kame: A turtle with strength ability and slow speed. Does greater melee damage and able to push…
Turtle Arena Development Status #5 (and new release)
After many months of development Turtle Arena 0.5.0 is now available for download. There have been many improvements and new features. There is now four player splitscreen and many higher resolution graphics, among other things. I am working on the future plans of removing the Ninja Turtles and adding new characters and a new story.…
Turtle Arena Development Status #4 (and future plans)
I am still planning on having a preview/unstable/development release as stated in the last post. It may be a week or two until I am ready. I haven’t worked on fixing up the game as much as I had hoped thus far, but it will be released. I am planning on removing the Ninja Turtles…
Turtle Arena Development Status #3
Currently planning for a “preview release”, Turtle Arena 0.5.0 release early June 2011, if not sooner. Development has been going on for 6 months since the last major release, so I’m just try to finish up somethings before release. I referred to it as a preview release as it is a preview of Turtle Arena…
Turtle Arena Development Status #2
Changes since the last development status post. * Increased max gentities (level objects) from 1024 to 4096, this should allow future levels (especially single player levels) to have detailed levels using many objects. * Added cel shading support from ZEQ2-lite. It is used by turtle players and some other objects. I am still working on…