Blog posts

  • ioEF preservation

    ioEF (also known as iostvoyHM) is a project created by Thilo Schulz based on ioquake3 for running Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Holomatch (multiplayer). My Lilium Voyager project is based on it. The website for ioEF binaries and source code patches ( on went offline around July 2018. I sent Thilo Schulz an email…

  • Maverick Model 3D 1.3.12 released

    Maverick Model 3D 1.3.12 adds shift key behavior for tools in texture coordinate editor, allows easier conversion of skeletal animations to frame animations, and fixes several issues. Download it at the Maverick Model 3D webpage.

  • Flexible HUD release 7

    ZTM’s Flexible HUD mod for ioquake3 release 7 is a minor update to improve video mode selection in Quake 3 and Team Arena menus. Changes These changes were merged from ioquake3. Two changes from myself and two contributed by others. Add custom video mode (if in use) to Quake 3 and Team Arena menus. This…

  • Clover’s Toy Box 2017-2018

    Clover’s Toy Box development posts for 2017 and 2018. I originally shared these privately but now I’ve collected them all to publish. Clover’s Toy Box (as in Pandora’s box) is a project to develop a game engine for the successor to Turtle Arena and another game. The engine, named after Lycoris radiata subject to change…

  • Maverick Model 3D 1.3.11 released

    Maverick Model 3D 1.3.11 adds support for exporting Studiomdl Data (SMD) models, improves Milkshape 3D (MS3D) model support, and fixes many issues. Download it at the Maverick Model 3D webpage.

  • Flexible HUD release 6

    ZTM’s Flexible HUD mod for ioquake3 release 6 is a minor update to fix two Team Arena issues. These changes were also in Spearmint Quake 3 1.0.1. Fix changing Team Arena statusbar (normal or small) in menu while in-game not applying widescreen adjustments for power ups area and voice chat head. Make Team Arena prevTeamMember…

  • Spearmint 1.0.1 released

    Spearmint 1.0.1 fixes a few minor issues. Server Fix kicked clients displaying ‘connection interrupted’ instead of exiting to menu and displaying kick reason. CGame (Team Arena) Fix changing Team Arena statusbar (normal or small) in menu while in-game not applying widescreen adjustments for power ups area and voice chat head. Make Team Arena prevTeamMember command…

  • Flexible HUD release 5

    ZTM’s Flexible HUD mod for ioquake3 release 5 is a minor update to enable aspect correct HUD by default (cg_stretch 0) and display 8 maps instead of 4 in the Quake 3 start server menu. I also merged my changes from ioquake3’s mod code: Make testgun command without argument disable test gun model. Fix loading…

  • Spearmint 1.0.0 released

    Spearmint 1.0.0 has many minor attention-to-detail improvements. The most interesting changes being: Console command argument auto completion for model and headmodel and 25 other commands. Random bots added in Quake III: Team Arena team gametypes using bot_minplayers or addbot random use Team Arena’s characters instead of Quake 3’s bots. Bug fixes and performance improvements for…

  • 10 Years of Quake 3

    October 10th 2018 is the 10 year anniversary of when I started modding ioquake3. It was my third attempt at creating a Ninja Turtle fangame within a three year time period. I intend to release Spearmint 1.0 as the end result of 10 years of working on the Quake 3 engine. On October 10th I’m…

  • Maverick Model 3D 1.3.10 released

    Maverick Model 3D 1.3.10, my fork of Misfit Model 3D 1.3.8, is now formally released after 9 years of on and off development (mostly off). Windows and macOS builds are available for download. A GNU/Linux build is probably coming next year but in the meantime it’s possible to manually compile the source code.

  • Q3Rally v0.0.1.2 released

    Q3Rally v0.0.1.2 has been released after two years. New cars and maps, macOS build, ship SDL with GNU/Linux builds, and lots of bug fixes.

Posts by Year